Car crashes can be incredibly expensive. They can cause massive damage to motor vehicles, rendering them unsafe to drive. They can injure the people in the vehicle or even lead to someone dying. Injuries generate major medical expenses.
They can also affect the injured person’s earning potential. People may require time off from work to heal, resulting in lost wages. In more extreme cases involving death or permanent injuries, workers may need to change professions or may not be able to work at all anymore. Injured people or surviving family members often need to recover years, if not decades, of lost income after a major collision.
How can people cover crash expenses when the driver at fault for a wreck doesn’t have the coverage required by law?
With a civil lawsuit
As the name liability insurance implies, the point of a car insurance policy is largely to protect a driver from financial culpability should they cause a crash. Their liability coverage protects them from the financial claims of the other people involved in the incident. A driver without insurance is at risk of a lawsuit. There could also be third-party businesses with a degree of liability as well. Manufacturers, bars and employers could all have a degree of financial and legal culpability for a recent car crash. A civil lawsuit can help people recoup the losses generated by a wreck.
With personal insurance coverage
Uninsured drivers are a common issue in Georgia. Georgia has a higher-than-average rate of uninsured drivers. Based on claims data from 2022, the state ranks seventh in the nation for the most uninsured drivers. Roughly 18.1% of motorists may not have appropriate coverage at any given time. Drivers may choose to protect themselves against this common concern by carrying uninsured motorist coverage on their car insurance policies. This special coverage can help pay for the costs that insurance would have covered if the other driver had an appropriate policy.
Reviewing policy paperwork and car crash circumstances with a skilled legal team can help people determine the best options available for covering collision expenses. Those who are not at fault for a crash can usually hold others responsible for the losses they’ve incurred because of that wreck.