Many people facing driving under the influence (DUI) charges feel like they have no options. People frequently plead guilty even when they insist they didn't actually break the law because they feel like there are few options for defending themselves. They think that...
Can police officers force drivers to take breath tests?
Police officers often want to accuse people of the most serious offenses that they can. A situation that could lead to a traffic ticket might also lead to an arrest. Police officers often try to find evidence of misconduct when they suspect inappropriate behavior....
What happens during field sobriety testing?
The state needs evidence to bring charges against someone or secure a conviction during a criminal trial. The primary objective of a police officer interacting with someone as often to find potential evidence. During a traffic stop, police officers look for any...
What are the indirect consequences of a DUI conviction in Georgia?
A driving under the influence (DUI) conviction in Georgia carries not only direct penalties, such as fines and license suspension, but also indirect consequences that can affect various aspects of your life. These repercussions often extend well beyond the courtroom...
Are DUI checkpoints legal law enforcement tools in Georgia?
Most traffic enforcement effort occur on a highly individual basis. Police officers out on traffic patrol pull people over for burned-out lights or erratic conduct in traffic. They can also issue citations when responding to a recent collision if they determine that...
What signs of impaired driving do police look for?
After a traffic stop, police officers may gather evidence that a driver was impaired. This evidence could include the fact that the driver failed a field sobriety test, for instance, or that they blew over the legal limit on a breath test. However, police officers...
How accurate are alcohol breath tests?
Failing a chemical breath test can be a shock to someone who truly believes that they didn't have too much to drink. Impaired driving charges can put someone in jail and/or cost them their driver's license if they get convicted or plead guilty. Despite these risks, a...
What an illegal stop means for your DUI charges
For a police officer to initiate a DUI traffic stop, they must have reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed or is in progress. This suspicion is typically based on observed erratic driving, traffic violations or other indicators of impairment. However, if...
Does a first DUI offense always cost someone their license?
Those who are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) charges in Georgia often feel incredibly anxious about how the outcome of their case will affect their future. It is a common practice for people to catastrophize their situation. They read about the worst...
What is “your” blood alcohol concentration legal limit in Georgia
If you ask the average driver about the legal limit for impaired driving in Georgia, they’ll probably tell you that a motorist’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) cannot be over 0.08%. This is a common legal limit that is used across the United States, and it does...